"Historical, cultural to scenic tours within Nepal world heritage sites"

Tours in Nepal, starts from Kathmandu within its city areas steeped with world heritage sites of great ancient monuments includes old temples, monasteries and historical palaces known as Durbar from Lichiva to Malla period including late Shah Monarch who ruled the country from 17th Centaury till early 21st century, before Nepal became a republic country.

Tours in Nepal includes various places of interest within Kathmandu-Patan / Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and beyond towards scenic and famous touristic Pokhara valley blessed with natural wonders of high Annapurna Himalaya with serene lakes.

Tours in Nepal continues further to old Shah kingdom of Gorkha town located mid-west Nepal with historical and holy sites of Lumbini where Lord Buddha was born with visit of old Newari town at Tansen / Palpa with more on the list where you can enjoy with great delight in our fascinating tour of Nepal, in the company of our expert and professional guides in the comfort of latest model vehicles from car, coach, four wheel drive or buses as per the group size.

All tour with overnights in standard and luxury lodge-hotels or resorts with rooms with views of snow capped peaks.

Tours in Nepal can be done from few days or more as per your holiday duration and interest as Nepal is one of the most fascinating country in terms of bio-diversity which includes all types of landscapes from valley-hills-mountainous areas to flat low land of Terai belt around south of Nepal where deep green tropical jungle located with exotic wild animals and birds life.

Nepal with an area of 147, 181 sq. km, situated between China in the north and India in the South with capital in Kathmandu since the valley was occupied by different regime Kirat-Lichiva-Malla to Shah.

Nepal population of more than 23 million where Nepali is the main and national languages, however travel-trade people understand and speak English well enough with four major seasons, (1) Spring (2) Summer: June to August, (3) Autumn: September-November, (4) Winter: December-February.

Nepal can be visited whole year round where you can witness amazing Nepal with more than 60 ethnic groups and 70 native spoken languages.